Adam Chertoff a.k.a. Dragon, a Third Degree High Priest in the Grailwood Faery Tradition, has been involved with the Magical Arts since the early 1980s. He began his journey with a teacher of Ceremonial Magick who worked with him on Astral Projection, Telekinesis, and Intentional Energy Communications. This prepared him for his path of future Magical work. Taking a break to find the right place to study the Magical Arts further he wound up, in the mid-1990s, at the Enchantments Grove Class in the East Village studying Neo-Wicca. Eventually, his class as a whole broke off from Enchantments and formed their own group under the leadership of their experienced High Priestess. Dragon through many years of training moved his way up the degree ranks in this eclectic tradition working with the Celtic, Norse, Egyptian, Arthurian and Greco/Roman Pantheons. During all this time, unbeknownst, even to himself early on, his many hard years of parallel training, starting in the early 1980s, in the Martial Art of Kung Fu gifted him naturally as an energy worker. Additionally, beginning in the mid-1990’s he started attending yearly summertime Pagan Festivals upstate at Brushwood Folklore Center. The Festivals originally Sirius Rising and Starwood had many workshops on different Magical subjects that Dragon attended and also nightly Midnight Rituals that he participated in regularly with facilitators from many different traditions. Thus, he got a very well rounded education in ritual etiquette and facilitation. Eventually, his original Coven began falling apart and the majority of his original class broke off to form a new tradition. The Brythonic Faery Tradition of Grailwood Coven which shifted his focus to the Welsh Fae from that of the Celtic. However, this new group remains eclectic working with the original Pantheons he worked with and a number of new Pantheons in addition. Since 2009 Grailwood Coven has been evolving and growing and this is where Dragon currently resides as a Third Degree High Preist working with his High Priestess (and best friend) Silkie O-Ishi and his other coven mates.