Athena grew up in a haunted house. Her first recollection of when she was a baby, was her standing in a crib, seeing many archaic spirits standing around and staring back at her. These ancestors were the spirits that possessed that entire neighborhood. Athena has always believed in witches and the paranormal…one of her aunts would call her sisters, brother and her “heathens” because whenever she came around to take them to church, they’d be running around the house, dancing and singing to the fullest amount of energy. There was another aunt that painted the interior of her house all black… Athena though it was so cool and would love to go there to hang out with her and her cousin. As she grew older, her soul was longing for something…not the then punk she became, but for others…Witches…She had witchcraft in her veins. In NYC, the witches found her and she found them. Magick, Ritual and Playing the djembe is what Athena loves, and to incorporate drumming into ritual helps in getting spirit energy to moving. She co-facilitates the Earth Drum Circle with a good friend of hers. She is a co-teacher and practitioner of the Shadowfolk tradition of Wicca. As a member with Temple of the Spiral, she is an elder within the sister coven, Strangers’ Gate. When she’s not witching in a circle, she is working on her online Pagan shop called Earthsenergies. Athena loves creating labyrinths and creates them for different pagan events everywhere. As well, she is learning to speak Pennsylvania Deitsch with kindred in Philly and forages her neighborhood for mugwort and other local herblings…