Enrico, the writer by occupation, began studying and practicing Magick in 1981, focusing on both Wicca and the work of Aleister Crowley. Between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice of 1983, he underwent initiations in both Thelemic and Welsh tradition Wiccan orders, with Thelema eventually becoming his primary tradition. He is also a former member of Ordo Templi Orientis. He nonetheless views Witchcraft as integral to his magical training, equally sacred, and an indispensable aspect of his magical orientation.
His definition of Magick is best described by him as “A discipline that engages the individual in a process of transformative development by means of ritual, meditation, divination, and spellcraft. It’s a Transformative Discipline in short, and the transformation it engenders urges us not to turn away from the World, but to engage in the important task of living and evolving in it.”