C. Laurie Bizzarro, M.A., J.D. aka Lady Thalestris is a Daughter of Hecate. She is the High Priestess and Founder of The Temple of Hecate, Inc. and the acting High Priestess of The New York Coven of Witches. She began practicing Wicca in 2003. She trained with Wiccans of the Crossroads and was initiated in the Crossroads tradition (Witches/Wiccans of the Crossroads) as a Third Degree High Priestess and Daughter of Hecate on May 30, 2009. She was High Priestess of Wiccans of the Crossroads from 2007 until she formed Enchanted Crossroads Coven and Grove in 2012. She is also a Third Degree High Priestess in the New York Coven of Welsh Traditional Witches. She was elevated to Third Degree in the New York Wicca/Gardnerian Tradition by Lady Rhea on March 23, 2019. She has organized and lead rituals at various festivals in the Tri-State area, including organizing and leading the current monthly Hecate Rituals held in the New York City area and the first Hecate Intensive held in upstate New York in October 2019. She has lectured at the college level on the subject of Wicca and Paganism and has organized a lecture series for the same. She is the proprietor of The Law Office of C. Laurie Bizzarro, P.C. representing the plaintiffs in personal injury, construction accidents, and employment litigation.