Fractions of Life

This photography project was the only one that I did not plan or meticulously prepare for. It just kind of happened before I realized I was making it happen. It started when I was going through a mild form of postpartum depression that manifested itself in the form of extreme boredom rather than and existential suffering. Days seemed an endless cycle of mundane tasks and repetition. The only evidence of passing time was sunspots and shadows, the glimpses of light that appear on the walls for the very shot moments that you can’t plan for or create intentionally. Like portals to the otherworld that played tricks on my unchallenged mind offering the escape to the imaginary worlds. And a couple of seconds/minutes later, they were gone…

Fractions of Life is a collection of those strange moments, the purpose of which is to raise awareness to postpartum depression as this topic is often swaddled in a cultural conspiracy of silence.